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Showing posts from November, 2023

Oopsie! Latifa fell into someone's relationship: Rainy Season Chronicles

 The rainy season is here. That means little to no overtime so people might as well use this time to fix their personal issues. And by personal issues I mean relationships. Latifa, the HR assistant featured in We Will Heal in Heaven: A Luopean tale , has been happy for a while. Not with the Kenyan man, though. The consultants' side acquired a new environmentalist a few months ago after his predecessor was caught in a diesel theft scandal- story for another day. The new guy, Mtokambali, which translates to someone who has come from afar, has indeed come from far. Literally. He comes from a rich family in Kilimanjaro. Ask me how I know? Everyone knows. Latifa cis a blabbermouth. Probably why she doesn't stay long in intimate relationships, right? When they started the 'talking stage', the entire site knew every little detail about the dates and any other info he disclosed. Including the fact that he had been 'connected' to this project by one local politician-his