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Showing posts from December, 2023

Jamhuri day: President William Ruto's Speech

I am delighted to have the privilege of leading the people of our nation in celebrating the important milestone in our journey to national independence. Sixty years ago, on a day like this, Kenya took its final step of the freedom struggle to become a sovereign Republic. According to the vision of our forefathers who fought for this country’s freedom, independence was intended to bestow on us the gifts of political as well as economic self-determination. This anniversary gives us the opportunity to gather as a family and reflect together on how we have fared over the course of six decades. It is clear that we have made undeniable progress on many fronts and, as a result, our nation may be said to have come a long way in the right direction. Before that first Jamhuri Day, Kenya’s sovereignty was exercised by an unelected, foreign and colonial power for the benefit of an occupying minority. We have since matured from a single-party State to a competitive, multiparty democracy and devolve

Happy Independence Day 255

Today is overtime day and as usual workers are happy. Well, of course this excludes those on contract.  Independence Day in Tanzania is celebrated on December 9th. It marks the day in 1961 when Tanganyika, the mainland part of present-day Tanzania, gained independence from British colonial rule. The country then formed the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, which later became the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964 after merging with the island of Zanzibar. Tanzania is therefore a bilateral union; Tanganyika and Zanzibar.  History cites Elder Mohamed Ikbar Dar - then a high school student - as the man dwho coined the name. Independence Day is a significant national holiday, and celebrations typically include parades, cultural events, and ceremonies that reflect the country's history and achievements. Many parts of the country have celebrated this day including our company. Today the project manager bought all workers pepsi and cake- which probably explains why there were m

What Kids Are Doing to Avoid Doing House Chores: December Chronicles

My landlord's kids are home for the Christmas holidays. There is no more quiet in the compound. Even the ducks and chicken appear restless because any time mwenye nyumba 's kid passes by they have to make their presence known by either chasing the birds or just stamping their tiny feet so the birds can move away. I'm pretty sure in the heads of the birds, when that happens they are thinking,"well, this is it. I'm dinner." So the anxiety must be all over the place. And before anyone asks, y es, chickens do have brains, and they are capable of basic cognitive functions. While their brains are not as complex as those of mammals, chickens exhibit behaviors that suggest some level of thinking and problem-solving ability. They can learn from experience, navigate their environment, recognize other chickens, and even show signs of social intelligence within their flock. However, their cognitive abilities are more focused on survival instincts and social interactions r

Wamaku on the Beach: The foreman's Vacation

You know those construction workers who are ever obsessed with their work and making them use their leave days is like punishing them? Yeah, Wamaku is one of them. He says he doesn't need the days and that if he needs to see his family, mamaa  and the kids will always come over. The project manager however decided that this year people will be working shifts during the Christmas holiday unike last year when every section worked in full. So Wamaku had to leave someone else in charge for the first two weeks of December and work the last two. It was either one or the other and he had to pick the days with the most overtime. Brilliant, right? Anyway, from the pictures on his statuses, he has been enjoying Mbezi beach. Although he takes the kind of photos that only 50+ year olds take. Or -4 year olds. Wait, now that I think about it, my 3 year old cousin takes better pictures. In his pictures, it looks he is trying to look like he is not taking the pictures while taking the pictures so

Celebrating the World AIDS Day December 1, 2023

World AIDS Day is an important occasion to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, reduce stigma, and promote HIV prevention and support for those living with the virus. In the context of construction companies in Kenya, observing World AIDS Day can have a significant impact on both the employees and the community. Construction sites often have a diverse workforce, and spreading awareness about HIV/AIDS can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Companies can organize educational sessions, distribute informational materials, and provide resources for HIV testing and counseling. Promoting safe practices on construction sites is crucial for preventing the spread of HIV. Incorporating discussions on the importance of using protective gear, promoting regular health check-ups, and providing access to condoms are essential components of such initiatives. Furthermore, construction companies can collaborate with local health organizations and clinics to offer on-site HIV testi