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Showing posts from February, 2024

The Kshs vs USD Flactuation Narrative

Kenyans working at the mjengo are now following the financial market like their lives depend on it. Because their lives actually depend on it. Getting paid in kshs was not an option so many opted for the USD option. It was on the rise and it was the best deal there was. The fluctuation of the dollar in Kenya, as in many other countries, is influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, government policies, global market trends, and geopolitical events. Here are some reasons why the dollar might fluctuate in Kenya: Economic Indicators: Changes in key economic indicators such as inflation rates, interest rates, and GDP growth can impact the value of the Kenyan shilling relative to the US dollar. For example, if Kenya experiences high inflation or low GDP growth, investors may lose confidence in the Kenyan currency, causing the dollar to strengthen against it. Monetary Policy: Actions taken by the Central Bank of Kenya, such as adjusting interest rates or implementing monet

Why Alcohol Money Should Remain Alcohol Money😂- A Mjengo Tale

Wamaku has been cursing and lamenting all morning because the cement he bought to start building his Kiberege home was stolen. He is even considering visiting a mganga to help him punish whoever stole from him. It was more than 10 bags of cement so it couldn't have been just one guy. He suspects one of his subordinates who he says started building his mother's house last month despite not having any overtime. The worst part is, he used alcohol money to buy these building supplies- he should have just gotten drunk and forgotten the whole thing. This self-discipline doesn't seem to be working out fine for him but he refuses to drop all his resolutions before March this year. To take you back, the foreman hired a new steel fixer to help with the Ruaha bridge section. He knows he is very good with that specialty. He worked with him before in the Mwanza project. The steel fixer's name is Wasiwasi. I am not sure if that's his birth-given name or just a mjengo name but I

Special Read: Happy Valentine's Day

Every year on the 14 th   day of February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, also called   Saint Valentine’s Day   or the   Feast of Saint Valentine.  This day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romantic love in many regions around the world. While some people celebrate the day joyously, for some it is a bad day because of the memories from the past and for others it is just an ordinary day. This year, whether you choose to celebrate this day or not, may you all find love in all the right places. May you love yourself a little more. May you overlook all the negative things that had been imprinted in your heart and mind. May you forgive yourself for the unrealistic expectations that you had set for yourself. And because self-love is not meant to replace romantic love, may you find someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved. May you find someone who can handle your darkest truths, who won’t change the subject when you share your pain