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Why Alcohol Money Should Remain Alcohol Money😂- A Mjengo Tale

Wamaku has been cursing and lamenting all morning because the cement he bought to start building his Kiberege home was stolen. He is even considering visiting a mganga to help him punish whoever stole from him. It was more than 10 bags of cement so it couldn't have been just one guy. He suspects one of his subordinates who he says started building his mother's house last month despite not having any overtime. The worst part is, he used alcohol money to buy these building supplies- he should have just gotten drunk and forgotten the whole thing. This self-discipline doesn't seem to be working out fine for him but he refuses to drop all his resolutions before March this year.

To take you back, the foreman hired a new steel fixer to help with the Ruaha bridge section. He knows he is very good with that specialty. He worked with him before in the Mwanza project. The steel fixer's name is Wasiwasi. I am not sure if that's his birth-given name or just a mjengo name but I know I will find out soon enough.

To thank Wamaku for connecting him to this job, at the end of his first month at work, Wasiwasi invited him for an evening of serengeti and castor lite. Or Konyagi. His choice. One of the things on the foreman's new year resolutions' list however, was to cut back on spending money on alcohol. But this is not his money so no harm, no foul. Or so he thought. Freeloaders from Wamaku's section were ready for this evening. Wasiwasi is aware of how some of these mjengo-men act when it comes to free stuff so he was psychologically prepared to pay for more than just the foreman's alcohol. Lest he becomes the talk of the maskani.

So on the anticipated evening after sections close, the foreman instructs his driver to drop him at the Burudika pub and go pick up a few othe people including a chainman, two labourers and of course Wasiwasi. Just before the drinking spree begins, Wamaku calls Wasiwasi to the side to engage in a 'consult.' Turns out, he had requested that instead of buying him alcohol, he would just give him cash so he can get onto resolution number 7- building his Kiberege home. So while the rest of the people were enjoying their beers, the foreman was making calls to the hardware reserving cement and requesting for quotations for other buiding supplies. 

While some people were inspired by this move, others were mocking him saying, alcohol money should never be repurposed. Turns out they were right😂。Or not, who knows? I hope your month of love is going as good as ours here at the mjengo 🌹


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